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September 2011: OER Africa e-Learning Workshop at Muni University
[Posted on 11th September 2011]
An intensive four-day e-learning training workshop on Learner Management System (LMS) organized by Open Education Resources Africa (OER Africa) just ended at Muni University.  The workshop was designed for academic staff and ran from 5th to 8th September 2011.  This workshop was supported by SAIDE (South African institute for Distance Education).  Nine (9) participants were trained, including one from NTC-Muni and one from Arua Nursing School.  In preparation for 2012 academic year, and in a bid to demystify LMS and bring learning closer to the student, Muni University is adopting a blended approach to teaching and learning.  Another training workshop is expected in early December 2011.  We are grateful to SAIDE, workshop facilitator Mr. Andrew Moore, the Institute Director Mr. Neil Butcher, and the team at SAIDE for providing this technical backstopping.

News and Events :::
African Development Bank V Project  [Posted on 26th August 2011]
Muni University Taskforce was invited by the Ministry of Education and Sports to participate in a consultative meeting with the ADB V team and other key stakeholders.  This meeting took place from 25th to 26th August 2011.  Key priority areas for support for the University were discussed at the meeting.  More feedback is expected in October this year (2011) and February next year (2012).
August 2011: South Korean Delegation  [Posted on 26th August 2011]
Once again Professor Hung Kook Park and Mr. Bi Ho Kim visited Muni University from 19th to 22nd August 2011, to present the Muni Project pre-feasibility report.  Professor Park, in the company Professor Dranzoa, was able to meet with the Minister of Education and Sports, Hon. Lt. Jessica Alupo; Minister of State for Higher Education, Hon. Dr. Chrysostom Muyingo; and Minister of State for Primary Education, Hon. Dr. Kamanda Bataringaya, as well as the Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Education and Sports, Mr. F. X. K. Lubanga.
Prof. Hung Kook Park (centre) presenting the Muni Project pre-feasibility report to Muni University staff.  To his right is Mr. Bi Ho Kim and to his left is Prof. Christine Dranzoa, Chairperson/Vice Chancellor of Muni University. 
Photo by: Mr. James Lam Lagoro, Academic Registrar, Muni University
Mr. Andrew Moore, the OER Africa e-learning workshop facilitator with Prof. Peter Lating. 
Photo by: Mr. James Lam Lagoro, Academic Registrar, Muni University.
Some of the OER Africa e-learning workshop participants at Muni University. 
Photo by: Mr. James Lam Lagoro, Academic Registrar, Muni University.
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