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Five academic programmes and four foundation courses are now under review by the National Council for Higher Education.

Proposed Degree programmes
Five technology-science based degree programmes for developing hands-on skills and competences in order to address gaps in vocational and science education, community health and information and telecommunications were developed. They are as follows:-

  • Bachelor of Science in Information & Communication Technology: This a programme, tailored to produce graduates with solid science foundation and  skills in computer hardware and software designs, systems administration, database management, network administration and dynamic website and artificial intelligence development. They will be capable IT practitioners of international measure.

  • Bachelor of Information Systems: This is a programme designed to produce competent graduates capable of integrating Information and Telecommunications solutions with business processes and other enterprises.

  • Bachelor of Vocational and Technical Education: This is another very high priority programme. It is tailored to equip students with hands-on skills, through education, technical and production education components.  Graduates from this programme will be job creators and able to impact skills in vocational institutions' trainees and others.

  • Bachelor of Science with Education: This programme is tailored to contribute in producing qualified number of science teachers and practitioners.   

  • Bachelor of Nursing Sciences: This programme is a shift from the traditional nurse trained as an assistant to the medical doctor, into a comprehensive and integrated clinician as well as community based practitioner, with critical thinking.

Cross-Cutting Courses
Cross-Cutting Courses were developed to provide additional foundation for undergraduate students. These courses are mandatory irrespective of the degree programmes offered by a registered student. They can also be offered by none degree students to enhance their social and life skills.
  • Peace and Ethics: This course shall impart ethical, moral values and peacefulness and humanness for better inter and intra-personal relations of individuals in society.
  • Communication and Study Skills: The course equips students in appropriate skills in effective analytical studying, critical thinking, general communication and scholarly writing.
  • Information and Communication Technology: As the basic framework for modern learning, teaching and global life skills, all new entrants into the university will be trained to acquire common knowledge on computing, softwares and managing virtual environment.
  • Entrepreneurship and Business Management: This course shall motivate, inspire, strengthen and build skills and competences in entrepreneurship and small businesses.

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