Ms. Dorcus Nassazi is a laboratory Technician for Crop Science. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Science with Ethnobotany from Makerere University. She previously worked with Alliance Bioversity- CAIT and IITA in areas of Plant Pathology. She participated in screening of the Alternative hosts for the Banana Bacterial Wilt (Xanthomonas campestris pv. Musacearum) as well as Assessment of Pleurotusostreatusas a Biocontrol of Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cubense) in Bananas. She has knowledge and skills in mushroom production especially in areas of spawn production and mushroom cultivation at farmer levels.

Her areas of research interest are; Plant breeding and biotechnology, Plant Conservation, Food security and climate change and working with communities to improving their livelihoods

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