Message from the Dean
Welcome to the Faculty of education, Muni University.
The quality of teacher education is a great concern world over and the status of teachers must derive from their professional qualifications, skills, attitudes and competences. The Faculty of Education at Muni University works to produce teachers with high status of professional competences that are able to exercise autonomy and judgment in the world of work.
Starting as a Department of Education in 2015 under the Faculty of Techno Science with only one programme of Bachelor of Science with Education, we now offer both undergraduate and postgraduate studies. The accredited programmes in the faculty include; Bachelor of Science with Education, Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Bachelor of Education Primary, Bachelor of Early Childhood Care and Education,Master of Education in Education Planning and Management, andHigher Education Certificate in Humanities.
We put emphasis on transforming lives through professional teacher education by promoting quality practical teaching approaches. In so doing, we aim at producing teachers that possess of in-depth subject knowledge, up-to-date pedagogical skills, reflective practices and ability to ably teach individuals and groups of learners with various needs.
We provide a firm foundation to Teacher Trainees that equips them with knowledge, competences, skills and attitudes, awareness and confidence required to teach, and to manage change as professionals in a rapidly evolving world.
Our Education Alumni are serving in the entire East African region and beyond as Educational Administrators, Teachers, Politicians, Members of Parliament and Community Leaders. Long Live Faculty of Education.
Dr. Joyce Bukirwa Rebecca Sessanga. PhD.
Dean, Faculty of Education
P.O.Box 725, Arua - Uganda
Tel: +256 476 420314/Fax: 256 476 20316
Mob. Tel: +256 701 630563
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Faculty Staff
Omara Polycarp
Assistant Lecturer and Head of Department of Foundations of Education.
Birungi Aminah
Assistant Lecturer - Early Childhood Education.
Mulabbi Andrew
Assistant Lecturer - Geography and SST.
Laker Suzan
Assistant lecturer - Applied Linguistics.
Akwar C. Denis
Assistant Lecturer - Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and E-Learning.
Balituumye Michael
Lecturer - Literature in English and communication skills.
Aliga Alex
Lecturer - Economics.
Edabu Paul
Senior Lecturer - Educational Planning and Management.
Bukirwa Joyce Rebecca Sessanga
Senior Lecturer - Educational Psychology.