Message from Academic Registrar
I welcome you all to Muni University, the sixth Public and Higher Educational Institution that was established in 2013 according to the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act (UOTIA) 2001 as amended under statutory Instruments No.31 of 2013.
Muni University, just like any other public tertiary institution, is here to advance knowledge through teaching, research and community service. The emphasis will always be on Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Vocation and Technical Education, Veterinary Medicine, Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, Health Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering, Business and Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Petroleum studies and Science Education
All prospective students are therefore invited to join Muni University, which is a centre of academic excellence and innovation, a model university, a good and conducive academic environment that will change and improve your opportunity and academic and professional career forever.
Muni University is ready to broaden your horizon and equip you with knowledge, skills and competencies that would enable one to face the challenges in the ever changing and complex global economies that requires multiple skills for survival.
The office of the Academic Registrar will always remain open to students and the general public and ensure that all the academic processes in the university are handled effectively and efficiently in order to promote equity, responsiveness, accountability, transparency and above all professionalism.
The Academic Registrar’s Department and the University at large will resolutely promote gender mainstreaming to provide equal opportunity for empowerment of our people and therefore transforming their lives.
The strategic location of Muni University will also rouse and enliven cross-border education to particularly broaden access to higher education which is a common good to all of us.
I wish you a good time at Muni University.
Felix A. Opio Okello
1.0 Mandate
The mandate of the Position and mandate of the Academic Registrar are derived from the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001, as amended.
Section 34
- There shall be an Academic Registrar for each Public University appointed by the University Council, on the recommendation of the Appointments Board, on such terms and conditions as the University Council may determine.
- The Academic Registrar shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor.
- The Academic Registrar shall assist the first Deputy Vice-Chancellor in the administration and organisation of all academic matters including admission, undergraduate studies, postgraduate studies, examinations, research and publication.
2.0 Core functions of the Office of the Academic Registrar
The role of the department of the Academic Registrar is to coordinate academic matters in the University namely: Admissions, Examinations, undergraduate and postgraduate studies, Curriculum Development, Implementation and Review, Academic Ceremonies and Research & Publications. Academic Registrar’s department is the secretariat to the senate and senate committees.
The roles of the Office of the Academic Registrar that revolve around the following sectors.
2.1 Undergraduate Admissions and Records
- Processing of undergraduate admissions and provision of information to the general public, on programs available at the University;
- Liaising with Faculties/Institutes/Schools/Colleges on matters concerning admission;
- Registration of both first year and continuing students on the University programmes,including those at connected institutions;
- Generation and keeping records of current and former students of the University;
- Producing the yearly nominal roll containing information of all Undergraduate registered students.
2.2 Examinations and Academic Ceremonies
- Organizing and coordination of all University Examinations;
- Handling Examination Irregularities/Malpractices issues;
- Handling appeal cases on Examination Matters;
- Organization and co-ordination of graduation ceremonies;
- Preparing and issuing Academic Transcripts and certificates;
- Handling issues of all awards.
2.3 Senate
- Liaison with Faculties/Institutes/Schools/Colleges on new programmes;
- Formulation and review of regulations and policies;
- Approval of University examination results;
- Handles all quality assurance issues;
- Manages and administers all Senate matters.
2.4 Graduate Admissions and Records
- Processing of Postgraduate Admissions and provision of information to the general public, about programs available at the Graduate School;
- Liaising with Faculties/Institutes/Schools/Colleges on admission matters;
- Registration of graduate students to the University programmes;
- Generation and keeping records of current and former graduate students of the University;
- Producing the yearly nominal roll containing information of all Graduate registered students.
- Co-ordination of research, research grants and research publications.
2.5 Convocation
The Academic Registrar also coordinates Division activities of the Convocation. This is an association of the graduates of the University and members of staff and such other persons as the University Council may authorize.
ACADEMIC REGISTRARThe Academic Registrar assists the Deputy Vice Chancellor academic affairs in the management and administration of all academic matters including organization of admissions, examinations, undergraduate studies, postgraduate studies and issues of research and publications. He is Secretary to Senate and all its Committees. He is the Department Head
Felix A. Opio Okello
DEPUTY ACADEMIC REGISTRARThe Deputy Academic Registrar organizes and coordinates the admission process for University students, and maintains up-to-date academic records; and organizes, coordinates and maintains the Examination process in the University. He deputizes the Academic Registrar.
Tumwebaze Nicholas
SENIOR ASSISTANT REGISTRARThe Senior Assistant Registrar assists in planning, coordinating and maintaining the examination divisions, organizing and coordinating activities of Senate, and organizing and coordinating Admissions activities.
Other Assigments: Chairman Contracts Committee, Muni University
Kihembo Leonny
ASSISTANT REGISTRAR The Assistant Registrar assists with examination arrangements, processing of Academic Transcripts and Certificates, processing of pre-entry examinations, and monitoring of the teaching of University programmes.
Other assignments; coordination of the Student Loan Scheme of the Higher Education Students Financing Board, and also provides Secretariat functions at Faculty Board.
Draonzi Phillip
STENOGRAPHER SECRETARY Responsible for general office administration, and management of meetings, and welfare for the department
Asio Annet