Mr. Ogwang Francis is an Assistant Lecturer of Soil Science in the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. Francis holds a Master’s of Science in Soil Science and a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Land Use and Management (both of Makerere University, Uganda); He also holds the following post graduate certificates; Irrigation and Water Resources Management for Agriculture and Dryland Farming from the University of Queensland, Australia, Project Planning and Management from Makerere University,  Climate Change Adaptation in Food Security and Natural Resources Management from Wageningen University and Research and Landscape Measures Approaches by the World Bank-Terr-Africa, among others. He previously worked as an Assistant Lecturer of Soil Science at Makerere University, A part time Lecturer of Soil Science at Kyambogo University and Uganda Christian University, Mukono. He worked briefly as a Soil Scientist at NARO before joining the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), as a Sustainable Land Management Specialist/Coordinator on the World Bank Supported Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS) Project and the Agriculture Cluster Development Project (ACDP). Under ATAAS, he was one of the soil scientists among a big team of scientists who remapped part of Uganda’s 17 soil sheets from a 1: 250,000 to a 1:50,000 scale.  Francis has published 6 research articles that can be accessed here:

His research interest areas are: faecal and ISFM blended amendments for soil and crop productivity improvement using laboratory and field-based experimentation procedures and techniques of data capture and analysis; and Climate change adaptation technologies in food security and soil health.

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