Dr. Philip Isaac Omwene is a Lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Engineering. He earned his PhD and MSc in Environmental Engineering from Gebze Technical University, Turkey. His academic journey also includes a BSc. in Water Engineering from Busitema University.

Before joining the department, Dr. Omwene worked as a Research Assistant at Gebze Technical University where, he actively engaged in and contributed to various research projects spanning diverse areas of study. His expertise covered topics such as cheese whey management, treatment of landfill leachate, control of watershed pollution, membrane technologies, and wastewater recovery for agricultural use.

His research interests include agricultural water quality, agricultural waste management, the utilization of treated wastewater for irrigation, circular economy and resource recovery, as well as water treatment systems and water resources management.

Philip has an impressive record of publishing peer-reviewed journal articles, which can be accessed at: https://scholar.google.com.tr/citations?user=&user=AzwY6BcAAAAJ

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