Dr. Zech Halasi Gidongo is a Lecturer of Agricultural economics and Agribusiness in the Department of economics. He is a PhD scholar of Agricultural economics (Fish consumer behavior) of Makerere University, Kampala. He holds a Master’s of Science in Agricultural Economics – Majoring in production economics of farmed fish from Makerere University. He Lectured at Busitema University as a part time Lecturer and a Teaching Assistant at Makerere University. He has worked with rural poor communities in Local government for a long time. He has also worked for and supervised World Bank funded projects like the National Agricultural Advisory Services and IFAD funded project; Vegetable Oil Development Projects under the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries. He has closely worked with community-based organizations and civil society organizations like Community Resource Development Initiatives (CRDI) and Agribusiness and Development Initiatives in implementing community projects for empowering the rural poor.

His areas of research interest are; production economics, community participatory planning processes, food security, consumer behavior analysis. Others are baseline surveys, project impact assessments, climate change, among others.

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